What Is Catan Seafarers? Catan Seafarers is an expansion for the popular board game Settlers of Catan (now known as just “Catan”). It was first published in 1997 by the game’s creator, Klaus Teuber. Catan Seafarers adds new gameplay elements and variations to the original game. Thus allowing players to explore the seas and build settlements on distant islands.
The expansion includes new components such as ships, pirate ships, and gold fields. That introduces new scenarios that offer different objectives and victory conditions. Catan Seafarers also allows for more players to participate, up to 5-6 players compared to the base game’s 3-4 players.
The Seafarers expansion contains new frame pieces. Which, together with the frame pieces of the CATAN base game – can be used to assemble frames of variable size. Inside these frames, you lay out always varying combinations of islands, using the hexes of the CATAN base game and additional hexes of the expansion set – either as shown in the scenario diagrams or according to your own imagination.

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Why Is Catan Seafarers?Different From The Original Catan?
Seafarers is an expansion for the original Settlers of Catan board game, and it introduces several new elements to the game. Here are some ways in which Catan Seafarers is different from the base game:
- Seafaring: The biggest addition in Catan Seafarers is the ability to build ships and explore the ocean. Players can now settle on islands and connect them to the mainland using ships, which allows for more varied gameplay and strategy.
- Scenarios: Catan Seafarers includes multiple scenarios that offer different objectives and victory conditions than the base game. For example, one scenario may require players to reach a certain number of victory points before anyone else, while another may involve building the longest trade route.
- Gold Fields: Catan Seafarers introduces new terrain tiles with gold deposits that provide extra resources when players roll the corresponding number. This adds a new resource management aspect to the game.
- Pirate Raids: A new pirate ship component is added to the game in Catan Seafarers, which can move around the board and raid player ships, stealing resources and disrupting trade routes.

What Are The Scenarios In Catan Seafarers?
Catan Seafarers includes several different scenarios that offer different gameplay experiences and objectives. Some of the scenarios included in the expansion are:
Heading for New Shores
In this scenario, players start on a small island and must explore and settle new islands in order to gather resources and build their settlements. The first player to reach a certain number of victory points wins.
Cloth for Catan
Players must produce cloth and trade it with other players in order to gain victory points. There is a special cloth production building and a cloth port to facilitate this trading.
Seafarers of Catan
This is a basic exploration scenario that allows players to discover new islands and build settlements on them. The first player to reach a certain number of victory points wins.
Through the Desert
Players must cross a vast desert in order to reach a new continent on the other side. Players must establish trading posts in the desert to gather resources and continue their journey.
New World
Players start on the eastern coast of a new continent and must explore and settle the west coast. There are additional rules for building roads and ships to cross over the mountains that divide the continent.

What Comes In The Box
- 60 wooden ships (15 each in blue, orange, white, and red)
- 1 pirate ship
- 6 frame pieces for building the board
- 19 sea hexes (including 9 new ocean tiles and 10 new terrain tiles)
- 11 terrain hexes (including 2 gold fields)
- 2 gold field markers
- 1 desert tile
- 2 sea frames
- 2 harbor tokens
- 2 frame parts for creating a variable game board
- 1 rulebook
Note that the expansion requires the base Settlers of Catan game to play, so it does not come with its own set of player pieces (such as roads, settlements, and cities) or resource cards.
How Many Players Can Play?
Catan Seafarers is an expansion for the popular board game Settlers of Catan (now known as just “Catan”). The number of players who can play Catan Seafarers depends on the number of players who can play the base game.
The base game of Catan can accommodate 3-4 players. While the Seafarers expansion allows for up to 5-6 players. So, if you have the Seafarers expansion, you can play with up to six people.
Note that playing with more players can increase the complexity and length of the game, as well as require additional game components, so make sure to adjust accordingly.
How To Play Catan Seafarers?
Catan Seafarers is an expansion for the Settlers of Catan board game. Thus players should be familiar with the basic rules of Settlers of Catan before attempting to play Seafarers. Here is a basic overview of how to play Catan Seafarers:
- Set up the game board. The Seafarers expansion includes new terrain and sea tiles, so players should first set up the board by placing the terrain hexes and sea hexes according to the scenario being played.
- Place the ports. The ports allow players to trade resources at a better exchange rate, so players should place the port tokens according to the scenario being played.
- Set up the players. Each player should take their color-coded player pieces and resources. The expansion includes new ship pieces, so players should also take these pieces and place their starting settlements and roads on the board as usual.
- Play the game. Players take turns rolling the dice and gathering resources based on the numbers rolled. They can then use these resources to build roads, settlements, cities, and ships. The new seafaring element allows players to explore the ocean and settle on new islands, connecting them to the mainland using ships.
- Achieve victory points. The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach a certain number of victory points. Points are earned by building settlements and cities, completing certain objectives according to the scenario being played, and by holding the “longest road” or “largest army” titles.
- Watch out for the pirate. The pirate ship is a new addition to the game and can be used to block players’ trade routes and steal their resources. Players can also move the pirate ship to attack other players’ ships and steal their resources.

What Does The Pirate Do?
Here are some of the things the pirate can do in Catan Seafarers:
Block trade routes
The pirate can be moved to a sea hex to block any ships from passing through that hex. This can be used to cut off a player’s access to a specific island or to prevent them from trading with another player.
Steal resources
If the pirate is moved to a sea hex adjacent to a player’s ship, that player must either pay the pirate or give up one of their resources. If they refuse, the pirate will attack their ship and steal one of their resources.
Move other players’ ships
Players can move the pirate ship to a sea hex adjacent to another player’s ship, forcing that player to move their ship to another hex.
Gain victory points
Players who have the largest army of knights on the board can also gain victory points for using the pirate to steal resources or move other players’ ships.
Overall, the pirate ship adds a new level of strategy and conflict to the game, and players must be careful to protect their ships and resources while also using the pirate to their advantage.

What Does The Knight Do?
The knight piece represents a military force that players can use to protect their settlements and cities from the robber and other players. The rules for knights in Catan Seafarers are similar to the rules in the base game of Catan, but there are some differences.
To build a knight in Catan Seafarers, players need to spend one ore and one wool resource card. Once they have a knight, they can move it to any intersection on the board, where it can protect settlements and cities from the robber. Players can also move their knights to attack other players’ settlements or cities, stealing a resource card at random from the targeted player.
In addition to protecting settlements and cities, knights can also be used to gain victory points. The player who has the largest army of knights on the board earns two victory points, so it’s important for players to build and maintain a strong military presence.
Overall, knights are an important aspect of Catan Seafarers, allowing players to protect their resources and territories while also gaining an advantage over their opponents.
How Do You Build A Ship In Seafarers?
Building ships is an important aspect of Catan Seafarers. It allows players to explore new islands and connect them to the mainland. Thus opening up new trading opportunities and resources. Here is how to build a ship in Catan Seafarers:
Gather resources to build a ship. Players need to have the necessary resources. They need one wool and one lumber resource card to build a single ship.
Spend resources. Once players have the necessary resources, they can spend them to build a ship. Each ship costs one wool and one lumber resource card.
Place the ship. Players can place the ship on any water hex adjacent to a land hex they already occupy. The ship can also be placed on any water hex adjacent to an existing ship owned by the player.
Connect to new islands. Ships allow players to explore and settle on new islands, opening up new opportunities for trade and resources. To connect an island to the mainland, players must use ships to create a continuous route of ships and/or roads.
Expand your network. Players can continue to build more ships as they acquire more resources, allowing them to expand their trading network and explore even more islands.
How Do You Win Victory Points In Catan Seafarers
In Catan Seafarers, players can win victory points through a variety of means. Here are some ways to earn victory points in the game:
- Building settlements and cities: Building settlements and cities on the board is one of the primary ways to earn victory points in Catan Seafarers. Each settlement is worth one victory point, while each city is worth two victory points.
- Building the longest road: The player who has the longest continuous road on the board earns two victory points. To claim this bonus, a player must have a longer road than any other player, with no interruptions or gaps in the road.
- Building the largest army: The player who has the largest army of knights on the board earns two victory points. To claim this bonus, a player must have more knights than any other player, and they must have at least three knights.
- Discovering a gold field: There are several gold fields scattered throughout the board, and if a player discovers one, they earn two victory points.
- Completing a scenario objective: Each scenario in Catan Seafarers has a unique objective that, when completed, awards victory points to the player who achieved it. For example, in the “Fog Island” scenario, the first player to reach a specific island earns two victory points.
Overall, players must balance their strategies and goals to earn victory points in Catan Seafarers. By expanding their settlements, building roads and ships, and completing scenario objectives, players can work towards victory and emerge as the most successful player on the board.
Can You Move Empty Ships?
Yes, players can move empty ships to different water hexes on the board. Empty ships are ships that are not carrying any resources or settlers.
To move an empty ship, a player must use their turn to move it to any adjacent water hex, as long as it is not blocked by another player’s ship or settlement. This can be useful for positioning ships in strategic locations or for connecting new islands to a player’s trading network.
It’s important to note that moving an empty ship does not count as an action. So players can still take their regular turn after moving a ship. However, if a player moves a ship that is carrying resources or settlers, they must unload them before moving the ship. Additionally, if a player moves a ship that is blocking another player’s route, they may be asked to move it to an alternate location by the other player.
Overall, empty ships can be a valuable asset in Catan Seafarers, allowing players to explore and connect new islands while also maintaining control over the board.
Can A Knight Move The Pirate?
No, in Catan Seafarers, knights cannot move the pirate. The pirate is a separate game piece that is controlled by a special pirate event card. The pirate is moved by rolling the dice and drawing a pirate event card, which dictates how the pirate is moved and which player can move it.
When the pirate lands on a hex, it prevents players from collecting resources from that hex until it is moved again. However, knights cannot move the pirate, and they do not have any special abilities related to the pirate.
Overall, the pirate is a distinct game element in Catan Seafarers, and its movements are determined by the game’s mechanics rather than the actions of individual players. While players can try to avoid the pirate and protect their resources from its effects, they cannot control its movements directly with their knights or other game pieces.
How Do You Win At Catan Seafarers?
In Catan Seafarers, the first player to reach a certain number of victory points is declared the winner. The number of victory points needed to win can vary depending on the number of players and the scenario being played, but it is typically around 10 points.
Players can earn victory points in several ways during the game. Here are some ways to earn victory points in Catan Seafarers:
Building settlements and cities: Each settlement is worth one victory point. Whilst each city is worth two victory points. Players can also upgrade their settlements to cities by spending resources.
Developing their civilization: Players can earn victory points by developing their civilization. This includes building roads, settlements, and cities. The first player to build a settlement on a new island also earns a special victory point.
Having the largest army: If a player has the largest army of knights on the board, they earn two victory points.
Completing special objectives: Some scenarios in Catan Seafarers include special objectives that players can complete for victory points. Including. exploring new islands or connecting two separate trading networks.
Game Rules for Catan Seafarers
The rules for Catan Seafarers are similar to the original Catan game, but with some additional rules related to sailing and exploration. Here is a basic overview of the rules for Catan Seafarers:
The game is set up by placing hexagonal tiles to create the board. Each tile represents a different type of terrain, such as forests, hills, or pastures. Players place settlements and roads on the board to start the game.
On a player’s turn, they roll two dice to determine which terrain hexes produce resources for that turn. Players then collect resources based on the settlements and cities they have built adjacent to those hexes. Players can use resources to build new settlements, cities, and roads, or to buy development cards that provide special abilities or victory points.
In addition to building roads and settlements on land, players can also build ships and explore new islands. To build a ship, a player must pay a combination of resources and place a ship piece on an open sea hex. Ships can be used to transport settlers to new islands, connect separate trading networks, and gain access to new resources.
Victory Points In Catan Seafarers
Players earn victory points for various achievements throughout the game, such as building settlements, upgrading settlements to cities, having the largest army, or completing special objectives. The first player to reach a certain number of victory points (usually 10) is declared the winner.
Robber and Pirate
The game includes a Robber and a Pirate game piece that can be moved to different locations on the board. Thus blocking players from collecting resources from certain hexes. Players can use knights to move the Robber or wait for a Pirate event card to move the Pirate.
These are the basic rules for Catan Seafarers. However, there are different scenarios and variations that can modify the gameplay and victory conditions, adding further complexity and strategy to the game.
Can Catan Seafarers Be Played Alone?
No Catan Seafarers is an extension of Catan. You must have the original Catan settlers board game to be able the play Seafarers. This is an added extension, so in effect you are connecting 2 board games together.
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