Settlers has become so popular in Silicon Valley that it’s now being used as an ice breaker at some meetings.
Wall Street journal
Over the past few years, Settlers of Catan, has transformed from an activity enjoyed by a small niche of gamers into a mainstream hit.
The Atlantic
Settlers manages to be effortlessly fun, intuitively enjoyable, and still intellectually rewarding, a combination that’s changing the idea of what a board game can be.
wired magazine
“Catan is the board game that changed the world of board games forever.”
“Playing Settlers of Catan can reveal the inner workings of your closest friends.”
The New Yorker
“It’s the best board game of all time.”
– Wil Wheaton
“I think Catan is one of those games that just transcends the genre.”
– Shut Up & Sit Down
“In a world where everything is going digital, Settlers of Catan reminds us how fun it is to sit around a table with friends and roll dice.”
– Forbes
“It’s a game of strategy, diplomacy, and resource management, and it’s still one of the most popular board games out there.”
“Playing Catan is like playing a game of poker, where you have to outsmart your opponents and constantly adapt your strategy.”
– Board Game Quest
“Catan has become a cultural phenomenon, with spin-off games, a movie in development, and even a cookbook.”
– The Guardian
“Catan is a game that’s easy to learn, but difficult to master, which is what makes it so addictive.” BoardGameGeek
“The game has taken on a life of its own, inspiring countless memes, jokes, and even tattoos.”
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